Friday, 20 September 2019

7 Prime Causes of Acne Breakout and Its Treatment Options

Till mid 20s you can maintain your clear and flawless skin. Then, all of a sudden you appearance gets lost due to the bad breakouts of acne on your face. But teenage acne can still be controlled and the adult ones are the prime reason to get tensed.

According to the experienced dermatologists, excessive oil (sebum) secretion is the key factor to the severe breakout of acne which has a tendency to sustain on your skin till mid 50s.

Here, we will deal 7 prime causes of acne treatment and effective acne for adults’ skin in the long-haul.

Causes of Acne:

  • Hormonal problem: As per the renowned dermatologist, fluctuation in any of the hormone in your body can result in acne breakout. Misbalance in the hormone which regularises the menstrual cycle can cause acne in women. In men, if the level of androgens gets disturbed, you may experience painful cystic acne breakout in your back, neck and chin.
  • Excessive stress: As hormonal change is the prime cause for acne breakout, its level can get disturbed due to excessive stress. So, you can find that acne is most common skin issues experienced by busy people and full-time mom.
When your life becomes hectic, your adrenal gland will start secreting the cortisol (stress hormone) that can help you to deal stress to some extent only. In extreme cases, it will lead to excessive oil secretion via oil glands in your face that can cause acne.
  • Pollution: Air pollution is another inevitable cause for acne breakout. It creates an additional crap layer on your face that leads to the emergence of this skin issue. Therefore, it is highly advised that when your return home after finishing the daily chores, you must wipe off your face by using a face wipe or a toner pad.
You can even visit any renowned London dermatology clinic for the recommendation of any natural face wipe or tone pad from your derma.
  • Use of inappropriate products: Combination and oily skin are more prone to acne breakouts and so you must use skin-care products which are ‘water-based’, ‘non-comedogenic’ and ‘oil-free’. Using of wrong products will clog your skin pore and you may have to experience an unavoidable situation of acne breakouts. You may also try any gel-based moisturiser carefully chosen on the basis of its SPF option.
  • Over washing of your face: Washing your face with cool fresh water is a good habit, but over washing can make your acne breakout condition worse than it was before. It is so; because it unclogs the skin pores which lead to excessive sebum (oil) production and ends up with the formation of cysts called acne.
Thus, as per the reputed dermatologist, rather using any scrubber or cleanser, it is better to use any gentle face wash for washing your face.
  • Eating of certain foods: A good eating habit can help you to stay healthy. There are certain foods including nuts, caffeine, pizza, fried foods and chocolate responsible for severe acne breakouts. There are some exceptions too as well. Even you can find several people are experiencing acne breakout due to the consumption of dairy products. In other words, foods causing acne breakout vary from person to person.
But iodine is the only component which must be avoided. Over consumption of iodine can cause severe acne breakouts associated with pain. Foods like spinach, kelp, crab, shrimp and lobster are highly rich in iodine. The basic difference between acne-causing foods and iodine is the latter takes time of several weeks or months to get deposited in the body before start causing acne.
  • Sweet Tooth: Sugar is another potential saboteur of the skin because it increases the level of insulin in your body. Insulin is proved to be an excellent element for triggering the oil hormones in male and thus, you may experience sudden breakout of acne. Hence, it is recommended to stick to a diet chart of low-glycemic foods like whole grains and foods consist of complex carbs.

Right treatments of acne breakout

1. The ingredients which can help you out
  • Salicylic acid: Another name of this standard acne treatment is beta-hydroxy acid. It acts great as a gentle exfoliation for unclogging the pores. Numerous Spot treatments and OTC cleansing products are there rich in this compound.
  • Benzoyl peroxide: It is effective for killing the acne-causing bacteria and exfoliates the pores from deep. It will make your skin dry and gives utmost relief from skin irritation. Choose a spot-treatment product which is loaded with this compound for improving your skin health.
  • Sulphur: It helps in extracting the excess oil and sebum from your skin. So, it can be used as a spot-treatment compound too. Even some face masks are there available in the market contain sulphur as its active ingredient.
  • Glycolic Acid: It is an exfoliating agent also known as alpha-hydroxy acid. It is a great companion for adult skin to keep it acne-free and wrinkles-free. It does so by eliminating the dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Your skin texture can also get improved by this component by reducing fine lines at the same time.
  • Retinol: It is a derivative of Vitamin A that absorbs by the skin and gets converted into retinoic acid. This topical retinoid is also an efficient anti-aging compound which can treat acne breakouts excellently.
  • Though it has numerous benefits yet possesses a drawback too and that of creating harshness on the sensitive skin. At that time, you have to look for natural acne treatment for sensitive skin by consulting with your dermatologist.
2. Exfoliation is another solution: Proper exfoliation is the prime thing-to-do to cope up with this common skin issue. Exfoliating your skin on a daily basis helps the skin to combat with acne and reduce its severity. It is also outstanding in the prevention of further acne breakouts and treats your skin wisely.

If you can’t find out the right exfoliation for your skin, a glycolic cleanser can be your great companion in doing so. Even, nowadays, several exfoliation pads are widely available there in the market for you.

3. Use a handy spot treatment product: If you want to treat the pimples or acne on an immediate basis, then spot treatments are the unrivalled option so far. Benzoyl peroxide can be the ultimate solution for killing the acne-causing bacteria and reduce its effectiveness.

There are many more products which can be used for gentle and heavy-duty action on your acne as per your requirement. Make sure the ingredients of the solution you are going to use are soothing as it will take proper care of adult skin.

4. Use products which reduce inflammation: During an acne breakout, inflammation is most common issue associated with redness and swelling. It gets so severe with time that even your concealer can’t hide it properly. You must look out for such a product which will act great as an antioxidant.

Generally, an antioxidant is equipped with ergothioneine (a natural compound) which assists in repairing the damaged skin cells. Moreover, an antioxidant will help in calming down the skin irritation at the same time.

5. Topical treatments may be effective: If your hormones become ruthless, you may have to intake prescribed oral medication for maintaining its balance. Otherwise, any external treatment to handle acne breakout will not work at all. Topical treatments include spironolactone and oral contraceptive may help you to cope up with the misbalance in your hormonal level.

6. Don’t apply DIY for extracting cysts: There are several people trying their DIY for extracting the cysts. But as per the advice of the reputed dermatologists extraction of cysts on your own is not the right way to deal with the issue. It can create excruciating pain, additional infection to the skin.

Furthermore, it creates a stretch expansion in the nerves too. Rather performing DIY extraction, you can apply cold and warm compress at a regular interval of time till you visit your dermatologist.

7. Hyperpigmentation and scars are different: Acne scars are most irritating and always need a professional treatment for its elimination. So, it is highly advised to you to visit your private dermatologist in London to know which treatment option is suitable for you- microneedling or subcision!

Besides taking the right treatment, you must take proper care of your skin by sticking to a specific regimen of application of bleaching agent, exfoliation, sunscreen and moisturiser. The use of skin serum must be alleviated at the same time for maintaining the proper health of the skin.

These are the significant causes for the breakout of acne and the reliable treatment option to deal with the issue. If still the problem persists, you can book your appointment at Clear Skin Clinic to get treated by the advanced technology of Medical Dermatology.