Monday, 25 February 2019

#5 Tips to Minimise Bruising and Swelling After Dermal Fillers Injection

Skincare treatments like wrinkle reducers and dermal fillers are exceptionally popular in London. An ever-increasing number of people from varying age groups undergo these treatments to boost aesthetic quotient. These injectable treatments work wonders in erasing wrinkles and lines from the skin to reveal a more youthful you.

On the flip side, dermal fillers treatment often leads to bruising and swelling. Although these side-effects are temporary and they go away on their own, many patients want to know how to avoid or minimise the unwanted side-effects.

First, you must remember, there’s no injectable treatment to guarantee you won’t have any bruises. You should undergo these treatments only at renowned skincare clinics. Here’re some pre and post-treatment tips that will minimise your inconvenience.
  • Skip taking Aspirin and NSAIDS: Aspirin, NSAIDS (which include mortin, naproxen, ibuprofen, advil, aleve) and NSAID-containing products make the bruises worse. You just be sure to avoid taking such medicines at least a week before your treatment. To relieve pain try out Tylenol during this time.
  • No alcohol and wine: You may consider having some hard drink to minimise your sensation. But skincare experts at a famous London skin clinic say that with injectable fillers it works the other way around. They just increase your chances of bruising. Avoid even a single drop of alcohol at least 24 hours both before and after the treatment.
  • Avoid green tea and herbal supplements: Green tea, vitamin E, garlic, red yeast extract, fish oil, omega 3 fatty acids, ginko balboa, gingseng and such other items act as blood-thinner. Thus, your chances of bruising increase with having any of these items. Apart from the ones mentioned here, there are lot more herbal supplements available in the market and its difficult to predict their individual effect on bruising. To be on the safer side, avoid having any such product or item at least a week before your treatment date.
  • Skip physical workouts: Experts who provide dermal fillers, suggest patients to avoid gym and workout for 24 to 48 hours following the injectable treatment. However, you can go for walking but yoga should be avoided. When you work out in the gym, there’s a boost in blood flow in your body. This prevents the capillaries damaged in the treatment to get easily healed. Avoid squeezing or massaging the treated area as well for the same reason. However, injectable Sculptra is a different product and when you’re injected with it, massage the treated area as you’ve been instructed.
  • Apply ice pack: Apply cold pack to the treated area both before and after being injected. This minimises the chance of your blood vessels coming in the way of the injection needle. The cold sensation is also likely to minimise pain.
Clear Skin Clinic is a popular skincare clinic in the city. Experts at this clinic suggest patients to follow the tips discussed above to minimise bruising and swelling after skin rejuvenation treatments using injectable fillers.


  1. Thanks for sharing beneficial information and also visit my blog for better understanding Fillers injection in Dubai
